A French drain system is a simple yet effective solution to protect your home from water damage. It involves installing a trench filled with gravel or rock, often with a perforated pipe, to redirect surface and groundwater elsewhere from your property. While it may look like a minor addition to your home, a French drain system can provide numerous benefits, making it a must-have for every homeowner. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why you should consider investing in a French drain system for your home.

1. Protect Your Home’s Foundation

When water accumulates around your home’s foundation, it can cause the soil to build up and contract, leading to cracks and other structural issues. Over time, these problems can compromise the integrity of your home and result in costly repairs. A French drain system helps divert water away from your foundation, thereby preventing damage and prolonging the lifespan of your home.

2. Prevent Basement Flooding

A flooded basement can damage your home and belongings, not to mention the health risks associated with mold and mildew growth. Installing a French drain system can help prevent basement flooding by navigating water away from your home. This is especially important if your home is in a low-lying area or has a high water table. Keeping your basement dry will prevent costly repairs and protect your family’s health.

3. Reduce Mold and Mildew

Excess moisture in your property can lead to mold and mildew, which can cause various health problems, like allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. A French drain system helps to reduce the moisture content in your home by directing water away from your property. As a result, you’ll create a healthier living environment for you and your family.

4. Maintain Your Yard’s Aesthetics

A soggy, waterlogged yard is unattractive and can harm your landscaping efforts. Excess water can kill plants, erode the soil, and create an environment conducive to pests. A French drain system helps maintain the appearance and health of your yard by effectively draining excess water. This ensures that your lawn and garden remain lush, green, and pleasing to the eye.

5. Increase Property Value

Investing in a French drain system can increase the value of your property. Potential homebuyers are often wary of homes with water issues, as they can lead to costly repairs and decreased property value. Installing a French drain system demonstrates that you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect your home from water damage, making it more appealing to prospective buyers. A well-maintained yard and a dry, mold-free basement can also boost your property value.

6. Versatility and Customizability

One of the great things about a French drain system is that it can be customized to suit your specific needs. There are various types of French drains, including shallow and deep drains and those with different types of pipes and materials. This allows you to choose the best solution for your unique situation, whether to address a specific problem area or provide comprehensive drainage for your entire property.


A French drain system is a valuable addition to any home. By protecting your home’s foundation, preventing basement flooding, reducing mold and mildew, maintaining your yard’s aesthetics, increasing your property value, and offering versatile and customizable solutions, a French drain system is a must-have for every homeowner. If you’re concerned about water damage or want to improve your home’s functionality and appearance, consider investing in a French drain system. Consult a professional contractor to assess your property’s needs and design the perfect drainage solution for your home.

Great Western Corporation is a highly specialized and experienced company offering comprehensive solutions in Cathodic Protection Systems, concrete repair, retaining walls, manufacturing and installation of anode sleds, and more. Our expertise in consulting, design-build, and onsite installation services ensures clients receive the best protection and maintenance for their structures and assets. To learn more about how we can address your specific needs on French drain installation in Oregon, contact our professional team today.